Παρασκευή 18 Μαρτίου 2016

Why doesn't the Hellenic Ethnic Religion have a creed?

Another accusation is that we, the followers of the Hellenic Ethnic Religion, do not have a creed. Of course they don't. Our religion is neither apocalyptic, nor does it have a founder. It has no beginning, or otherwise it began, when humans began being religious. If one lives in the mountains he may be not be so interested in the cults of the Gods of the sea and fishers in the cults of the mountain or forest Gods. At least in smaller societies. When the societies get larger of course and both want to trade their goods further, then they get interested in other areas. Urbanisation adds new priorities and old priorities fade away. So does freedom or enslavement. The Athenians of the time of Pericles prayed at Democracy as a Goddess and some centuries later to the Genius of the Roman Emperor.
Afterwards we had to hide from the Christian Emperors, the Priests and Monks. We were loosing our freedom of worship steadily. We had to hide or migrate.
Historians admit that people around Sparta didn't cease to be Pagans at the 10th century CE, but continued for another three centuries in some villages in the vicinity. There were always those who read the remaining texts of the Ancient Greeks. Many people became, if they were not, Hellenic by reading Homer, Hesiod and Plato. The Church condemned all those who read ancient Greek texts and tried to undestand them, instead of just using some language patterns.
After 1997 CE we are free to worhip our Gods again and it is another era. Every ancient Greek text, archaeology and modern science is influencial. We receive from the previous generations the knowledge and by adding our experience we shall deliver it to the next ones.

On the other hand did creeds do any good to the Christians? How many do understand Trinity? How  many can understand the difference between filioque and its absence? How many can explain how much God and how much human is Jesus Christ? Who understand to whom did Mary give birth to? One had to use saints in order to be able to worship as one feels.
Western and Eastern and Oriental Christians have to go to different Churches because of theological matters they do not understand. Platonists, Stoics, Epicureans, Sophists, Aristotelians went to the same cults.