Τρίτη 25 Απριλίου 2017

No difference between Conservatives, Communists or Anarchists

It is the country where Liberals, Conservatives, Nazis, Communists, Anarchists and Socialists can sit side by side and agree to every subject. Because they all have the same way of thinking or reacting to reality. Everything may have many facets, however they always have the same position. Another wonder of the Romiosynee, another wonder of their 'Byzantium'.
Press Release 330/23.04."2017"

The byzantine state of Greece has many reasons to be ashamed off, but the most important ones are the absolute cultural decline, the nightmarishly high percentage of functional illiteracy, the absence of respect for public spaces and the complete absence of aesthetic appreciation. We are saying it should be ashamed because people in modern states are shaped primarily through a process called public education, and it is this process that has been a total failure. The byzantine state though is quick to declare that its primary function in education is to produce «faithful orthodox Christians».
The latest result of this inexcusable failure, which has degraded people in an abyss of barbarity, is the overthrowing of the bust of the Goddess Athena, which stood outside the cultural center of the City of Athens. It is the same marble bust that vandals had symbolically, blinded with black paint some years ago.
The Byzantine stare has cultivated in its schools extreme individualism and barbarity, and now normal people and public spaces are faced with the consequences. Objects such as statues and monuments that in other countries enjoy the respect of the public here are being defaced. In this Byzantine state nothing works as in other civilized countries. Destruction and vandalism is everywhere, from the statues of Rigas Feraios and Kolokotronis, to the abandoned ancient Temples around the country that are not suitable to be used for economic exploitation.
The only solution is for this Byzantine state to hear our scream and to change route immediately. It must embrace culture. It must be re-Hellenized.

The Supreme Council of Ethnikoi Hellenes (YSEE)