Τρίτη 21 Μαρτίου 2017

"Yes, but there are good priests as well!"

"Yes, but there are good priests as well!". This what people say every time head priests have cursed everybody who doesn't care about their teachings and made everybody wonder, what kind of people they are.
After again the mortal remains of a Greek celebrity had to be brought to Bulgaria in order to be cremated, there was again a debate about crematoriums in Greece.
In 2006 a law was passed permitting cremation in Greece, however it is impossible to find a place to do this. Although 73 per cent are in favour of cremation and only 18 percent against it, politicians are too cowards to build a crematory. The parliament let the mayors find suitable places and they are afraid to find any, because they have been warned that they will not be reelcted. The precedent with Salonica, where a mayor has been voted twice since the local Archbishops had threatened him openly that he would never become a mayor, won't come to their minds.
There is an Archbishop of Attica, a county that has many Archbishops and the head of them, Nikolaos of Mesogaia and Lavreοtiki, who is considered the most reasonable and cultivated person of the higher clergy. The paragon of Christian clerical virtue. And that very Archbishop says that it's not up to every person to decide, what will happen to his body after his death. He says that they as a society, the Eastern Orthodox Church and its followers, they shouldn't accept cremation. They do not want to allow cremation even to atheists or people of other religions. He didn't say, as many Eastern Orthodox Christians keep repeating, that there will be no ceremony of Eastern Orthodox rite. He said that because the prevailing religion and denomination is Eastern Orthodox Christianity, all other people have to bow to the wishes of the Church. 
Many say it is not prohibited by the Bible, but even if it were, the Archbishop and the Christians must realise, that 228 years have passed since the French Revolution. Of course they will not realise it by themselves, but that is what the State is for. There are people who do not believe that the Bible is valid. However the Eastern Orthodox Church claims to be at the same time prevailing and persecuted.

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