Τετάρτη 9 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Archbishop planning ‘anti-gay’ schools and nurseries

The Archbishop of Cyprus says he plans to create nursery, grammar, middle and secondary schools in order to create exemplary personalities. The first question, how will they know if a four-year-old is gay or not. Then he says that it is easier to struggle against unnatural things than natural. Monks have to struggle against natural things. Well, with unnatural he meant homosexual and natural heterosexual. The question he should ask himself is if struggling against something natural is unnatural.
Everybody is talking about this homophobic rhetoric, but I think it is more than that. Christian Orthodox clerics create religious organisations where men as well have to be 'virgins', that means never have sexual intercourse with a woman and remain unmarried. Christos Yannaras, a professor of theology, was a member of one of these organisations and he condemns them, although he still is a reactionary, bigot and irrational person. He describes these people as hysterical, petty, ridiculous, bigot, neurotic, psychopatic and by no way exemplary. Once a young man's photo was on the frontpage of the organisation's magazine and a cleric said that it shouldn't happen again, because the girls of the organisation might fall in love with the photo and get excited by it. Another time there was a girl's head on the backcover and a theologian said that no-one could assure him that the girl wasn't actually naked, when the picture was taken. Well all people are naked under their clothes, so that's constant arousal for them. He talks about metropolitan bishop that at his sermons he would loose control over himself and he would start cursing people, even other bishops accusing them of homosexuality. His audience would get so frenzied, that after that they would riot against sinful places, like hotels where beauty contests take place.

Archbishop's nurseries
Christos Yannaras