The Homepage of the Greek Orthodox Church of Crete states, that the first Christians in Crete were Jewish people. Christianity was and is a Jewish sect. The same was everywhere in the Roman Empire. However in Greece priests and theologians give the impression, that as soon as the apostles set their foot on a Greek area, the Hellenes converted in masses to Christianity.
Another interesting part is that the Ottomans were in favour of the Orthodox Church throughout its history. In the Empire there were communities of Orthodox, Catholics and Armenians, all integrated. All Catholics are under one Pope so the Catholics of the Empire were the natural allies of the foreign Catholic States. The Orthodox Patriarchs however, are adversaries, so Russia was no threat as Russia supported the Patriarch of Moscow against the Patriarch of Constantinople.
Source in Greek
Another interesting part is that the Ottomans were in favour of the Orthodox Church throughout its history. In the Empire there were communities of Orthodox, Catholics and Armenians, all integrated. All Catholics are under one Pope so the Catholics of the Empire were the natural allies of the foreign Catholic States. The Orthodox Patriarchs however, are adversaries, so Russia was no threat as Russia supported the Patriarch of Moscow against the Patriarch of Constantinople.
Source in Greek
Η Εκκλησία της Κρήτης είναι Αποστολική. Πρώτοι κήρυκες του Χριστιανισμού στην νήσο ήταν οι Εβραιοκρήτες, που παραβρέθηκαν στο κήρυγμα του Πέτρου την ημέρα της Πεντηκοστής στα Ιεροσόλυμα, σύμφωνα με την αφήγηση των Πράξεων των Αποστόλων ( β΄, 11). Ο πρώτος όμως πυρήνας που οργανώθηκε περί το 64 μ.Χ. από τον Απόστολο Παύλο κατά την γ΄ αποστολική περιοδεία του.
Η τουρκοκρατία (1645-1898) μετέβαλε, ανάμεσα στα άλλα, και τη θρησκευτική κατάσταση στην Κρήτη. Μία από τις πρώτες πολιτικές πράξεις της τουρκικής διοίκησης ήταν και η αποκατάσταση της ορθόδοξης ιεραρχίας στην κρητική Εκκλησία.