Κυριακή 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

1995 CE a Christian Mob attacks the Civilisation!

Rotunda is monument that wasn't made by Christians, nor was it made for their use. Monday, 30 October 1995, just 20 years ago, a concert was planed to take place in Rotunda. Sakis Papadimitriou, a jazz musician and Georgia Syllaiou a singer would be the performers. The TV channel of the Church called the then Minister of Culture Mikroutsikos worthy of his name, mikroutsikos means tiny, because he gave his consent for the concert.
A Christian mob had assembled at that time outside the Rotunda. They sweared everyone who entered the monument as antichrist, antihellene, satanist, male prostitutes, a professor of Constitunional Law was asked what was he teaching their children (constitunional law maybe?), "you want to turn the church into a brothel", "you want to turn the church into a mosque", were things the mob was shouting.
Then like their spiritual ancestors here:

The Greek Orthodox mob breaks the door, enters, knocks down one security guard, they throw everything down and then they surround the piano. Yes, the musical instrument. Priests, monks and laymen hit it, kick it and they want to take it out. "Miasma", "blasphemous and satanic instrument", " piano in the church, these antichrists".
A monk had a knife and stabbed the piano, the chords were cut. The beast had died...
The police didn't do anything to protect the people against the mob, 50% of the policemen are Nazis. The mob was free to hit, pull women by the hair, swear, destroy. The subbishop of Thessaloniki takes a microphon and rejoices: "The people of God have won". (They are always brave, if aided by police and state and outnumber by far their ...enemies, take them by surprise etc).

Here it is said that the songs would be ancient hellenic hymns. And the mob dares to call the people antihellenic.

The singer says that they wouldn't sing jazz. There was the usual defamation campaign by the "lambs of the religion of love". The musician was called a Turc, a rich eccentric tobacco merchant(?) and was said that he through a dead cat in the chancel.

A monk who entered first, stabbed a security guard with a knife, hit the singer and threw a chair at her and then tried to attack the musician as well but failed.

The police arrested the musician and the head of the police accussed him of earning money for the concert and having attended pacifistic events. The head of the police let him go, when he said his father was an admiral of the royal navy, before 1968.

A district attorney said that the ones who should be prosecuted should be the musician and the minister. The Greek State didn't dismiss neither the attorney nor the head of the police.

The musician had to work to pay for the piano, that it didn't belong to him.

Here the musician said that the attack was in three waves. The first were the priests and christian organisations, the second were muscles and the third ignorant folk, who believed that some muslim would chant muslim prayers.
Λίγα πραγματάκια να πω... Η συναυλία θα είχε τελετουργικό χαρακτήρα. Δεν θα ήταν τζάζ. Ο κ. Παπαδημητρίου δεν είναι εκκεντρικός πλούσιος καπνέμπορος, ούτε τούρκος πιανίστας, ούτε έβαλε μαύρη ψόφια γάτα στο ιερό. Επίσης δεν έχει καπνίσει ποτέ (οι παραπάνω χαρακτηρισμοί ανήκουν στον κύκλο της Μητρόπολης). Συνεχίζω. Ο μοναχός, ο οποίος μαχαίρωσε το φύλακα, με απεκάλεσε σατανίστρια και, αφού με χαστούκισε, με έριξε στο δεξί κλίτος της Ροτόντας , ακολούθως μου πέταξε μία πολυθρόνα σκηνοθέτη –η οποία με πήρε ξυστά– αλλά χωρίς να το ξέρει με έσωσε από το πλήθος που έσπασε τις πόρτες και όρμησε αλαλάζον εναντίον του πιάνου, του κατ' αυτούς «οργάνου του Διαβόλου», το οποίο και έκαναν φύλλο και φτερό. Κατόπιν, ο μοναχός επιτέθηκε με το μαχαίρι στον Σάκη Παπαδημητρίου, ο οποίος όμως μπόρεσε να τον σταματήσει. Κάναμε πολλές συναυλίες για να ξεπληρώσουμε την επισκευή του πιάνου, το οποίο ανήκε στον Γ. Νταουλτζίδη, από τη ζημιά που επέφεραν οι «πιστοί». Πηγή: www.lifo.gr

Source in Greek