Τετάρτη 27 Ιανουαρίου 2016

Satanic Jiu-Jitsu

Source in Greek

So the Bishop of Glyfada says everybody should refrain from martial arts, because they are inspired from Buddhism and that clashes with the Christian message of love. Everybody is afraid of the Wheeladers and their year after year of Wheelades and that the whole year through. The Holy Inquisition of the Shaolin monks, just horrifying. Who would ever come to the idea, even jokingly, to form a word such as Crusade or Crusaders?
Martial arts are not only gymnastics, but have also a philosophical and religious orientation, as the Bishop notes. If Christians thought Philosophy as something good, they wouldn't have closed the Platonic Academy. They wouldn't have burned the Books of nearly every philosopher!
Last year they had to forbid yoga, if they hadn't done it who knows how many suicide bombings and terror acts would have taken place!
Jiu-Jitsu was the martial art practiced by the notorious Samurai. These beasts, that had such disgusting vices such as virtues and moral codes. Where they the ones who flew airplanes and dropped nuclear bombs to civilians?
How could they teach such things when they are inspired by the Demonic Zen, the Devilish Taoism and Satanic Buddhism? The Antichrist has already appeared on Earth and his name was Bodhidharma. He taught these devilish things.
These systems have the goal to change the spirit of the martial artists. So if they are going to become better people and that by themselves, then how is the Church going to earn money? Sin, pay, repent, that's how it goes.
Richard Schmidt, professor of physical education at the University of Nebraska said that japanese martial arts are means to spiritual training and enlightment. Is there any Philosophy or Religions professor around there to inform us about how good martial arts are for physical education?
Martial arts use the Qi, which the energy force of the New Age. Chinese, Japanese, Koreans exist since the Seventies. Before that the Far East was inhabited only by Koalas. The worst is that one cannot measure Qi's neither theoretically, nor experimentally. Of course the artists can block from and empty his opponent from the Qi.

Here we have a typical emptying of the opponents Qi.

Martial Arts are not consistent with the Gospels, which preach to see the 'other' not as an enemy, but as an image of God Jahweh. Well women are just from a rib.

We certainly believe those ex-instructors of martial arts, all two or three of them, and all the scientific researchers-did they all study christian theology?- when they say that that Qi is the same as the occult Qi. We know that, if a Christian (and of the right denomination) makes the same miracle with a non-Christian or a Christian of an other denomination, than "our" Christian was helped by God Jahweh and the other by Satan. As simple as that.

Eastern Martial Arts cultivate violence, aggression and selfishness. Look how peaceful, calm and selfless the Greek Orthodox and the Armenian Christian are:

Soccer and basketball, Greece's favorite games, do not cause any serious injuries. By martial arts one is focused on a ball and one cannot see, what everybody around him is doing . Whereas in those ball games one has one opponent and one has the overview of what the other is doing.
Martial arts cause neurotisms, abstinence doesn't.
It is expected that the Wallahs of the Ministry of (Christian) Education conform with the code of conduct and abolish Martial Arts from schools. Which code of conduct? Probably the one saying that Greece is a Theocracy.

The following video is not in English. The Greek Army has published a book about Elder Paisios and a chapter is about meeting a buddhist monk Shaolin Yiorgakis (Greek for Georgie), wandering in the Holy Mountain. The monk was using satanic forces to destroy stones just by looking fiercely at them, he could remove the shells of the hazelnuts and let them fall to the ground and keep the hazelnuts in his palm, just by closing his fist etc. However he couldn't do these things if Paisios had crossed something. Yes, I know what you are thinking, couldn't somebody making up a better story?