Δευτέρα 20 Μαΐου 2019

Who is aloud to prosper? Only the very rich of course!

It is ridiculous when one sees what politicians expect from their subjects and what from themselves. The question is if they all live in an ivory-tower, or they have hidden agendas.
In Germany a professor wrote a book about the pseudoelites saying that only 1 out of 5 are really efficient, the half is as if they didn't work and the rest 3 out of 10 do not work at all.
However they all have good notes, stages in prestigious companies abroad and whatever one needs to have an excellent CV and therefore a high salary job.
The economy of Europe is actually shrinking no matter what tricks they use to show otherwise. Worthless finance companies hire creative people for writing computer codes which sell and buy in microseconds bonds, shares, currencies instead of having new ideas for the goods and services market.
Half of Europe's population vegetates whether it has a job, a part-time one or is without.
The state doesn't invest in public education, so the majority has no chance to acquire the necessary competence for the market.
Companies do not seem to care that their clientele is diminishing, their managers are like politicians; as long as they have their bonuses and wages, everything seems all right.
People graduate and are not regarded as qualified, because of an alleged lack of work experience. So it is up to the generosity of each company, if it is willing to employ a non expert.
The opposition to all these seems to be as well silly and incompetent. They promote Marxism, which has utterly failed or they promote cultural primitivism, and funny enough most of them are kids from the upper middle class to the middle upper class and their parents do not seem to bother.
Newly there also other anti-establishment parties recruited by long-time members of the existing establishment parties.
The world is heading to new Dark Ages, where there will be a minuscule minority, which will have everything, some workaholics which will work for that minority and a vast majority of proletarians.