Παρασκευή 31 Μαΐου 2019

What are mass media good for?

Newspapers are complaining about the lack of money and urge for payment in order to keep providing articles.
In the age of internet one can read the news releases of the institutions and analyse them oneself.
Mass media are usually owned by rich people, not necessarily well educated and usually with no qualities except luck. Like the clergy and the noble before the French Revolution, they only care about their income and their status. Like the clergy and nobility before them, they are unable to lead the society as they cannot even guarantee a constant flow of goods and services. They don't value education high enough, they urge the politicians not to change the bad educational system. In order to gain money they invented financial money where worthless money is produced and instead of investing in research for goods production in the third world in order to create a flow of goods and so a flow of cash, they want to bring that money in the goods and services market via pensions and insurances. So they have the mass media to make sure no politician stands in their way.
Marxism has failed repeatedly so that's why it is presented as the only opposition to this modern feudalism. If all art faculties have a marxist staffing, all alternative world views do not have a chance. Not only parties of the left, but populists who are placed at the right spectrum have the same national-bolshevistic ideas about economy; and national can be anything from USA or Russia, Europe, a current state or a smaller ethnic group. Everytime it is expected there will be problems with all those bad policies, the mass media actually advertise positively and negatively some personalities and parties of the above type.
Even if we believe that there are independant channels or newspapers, their journalists have the same marxistic and freudian ideas, otherwise they wouldn't have attained their degrees. One sees always the same article, of people who dream to make the world the garden of Eden. They want to bring seven buillion people in Europe -and not to the US- and they should have full pension, houses, cars, vacation everything. Everybody should stop producing goods or using technology as it is lethal for the environment, however everything should be available for everybody. No uses of natural resources, nothing synthetic, however everything should be available. If one asks them how this is all possible, they become either a fit of rage or a fit of riduculousness; or simply they will say that they will make it, they believe it.
If political parties are afraid of adolescent youtubers, it shows that they know or estimate their subjects as very easily influenced and they never did anything about it. Now they want to have some rules, that means censorship. They do not want independant citizens who can think for themselves, but subjects whose feelings can be easily manipulated.

Πέμπτη 23 Μαΐου 2019

New Christian Imperialism. A case study of Sweden!

First do not let them fool us, with party names such as "Social Democrats" or "Greens" or whatever. Throughout Europe they have always worked together and they all had the same policies. German Greens dared the Christian Democrats to form a coalition, but the latter were too afraid of the consequences, because their voters do not get that it is same policies, different hairstyle.
All these politicians, journalists, pseudo-intellectuals and professors come from conservative villages, whether far from big cities or next to them makes no difference, where they are being slapped in the face throughout their childhood and are constantly abused verbally, they are being treated like garbage. They deny the fact, but if they are angry at a non-western they say that they have been spoilt, that they haven't been slapped as children and they were treated like princes. This is not true, but that shows how biggots raise the children, no matter what ideology they pretend to have.
Such people have enormous inferiority complex and are advanced by people with the same upbringing and problems. They get the better marks in school and university, they get the highly paid jobs without doing anything of value.
As Marxism is the only school of thought allowed in Western Europe, all these people combine christian and marxian millennialism and see themselves as prophets and apostles! They hate beauty, intelligence, knowledge, logic, talent, virtues everything european civilisations stood for.
They say the fight nationalism, but they never say which as one cannot evade this characterisation, as there are many types of nationalism.
In Sweden a clown wants to ban runes, which it seems either he thinks they are magic and cause people to become Nazis or he has a problem with the European pre-Christian era.
Nazis were called the Third Reich, the First being the Holy Empire at first and then the Holy Roman Empire next and finally the Holy Roman Empire of the Deutsch Nation; "Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation" and not "Germanischer Nation". The Second Reich was that of the Prussians. All three of them were Christian nations. Hitler's main concern was the division between Catholics and Protestants and he tried to unify them with Christian Positivism.
Nazis dreamt of thousand year old reich as well, which is not an ethnic way of thinking. Heathens know that there is union and there is division, there is progress and decline, birth and death throughout the eternity. They do not see the world as evil and they do not try to fabricate a "better" type of human being, society and world.
The true target, their true foe is the Asatru community, as well as all ethnic religions! Heathenism means plurality, whereas monotheists dream of one ruler on earth, as there is, they think, one ruler in the sky and everybody has to be and look like the monotheistic ruler. With all other monotheists they can agree to an ideal monotheistic world, but not with heathens.

Δευτέρα 20 Μαΐου 2019

Who is aloud to prosper? Only the very rich of course!

It is ridiculous when one sees what politicians expect from their subjects and what from themselves. The question is if they all live in an ivory-tower, or they have hidden agendas.
In Germany a professor wrote a book about the pseudoelites saying that only 1 out of 5 are really efficient, the half is as if they didn't work and the rest 3 out of 10 do not work at all.
However they all have good notes, stages in prestigious companies abroad and whatever one needs to have an excellent CV and therefore a high salary job.
The economy of Europe is actually shrinking no matter what tricks they use to show otherwise. Worthless finance companies hire creative people for writing computer codes which sell and buy in microseconds bonds, shares, currencies instead of having new ideas for the goods and services market.
Half of Europe's population vegetates whether it has a job, a part-time one or is without.
The state doesn't invest in public education, so the majority has no chance to acquire the necessary competence for the market.
Companies do not seem to care that their clientele is diminishing, their managers are like politicians; as long as they have their bonuses and wages, everything seems all right.
People graduate and are not regarded as qualified, because of an alleged lack of work experience. So it is up to the generosity of each company, if it is willing to employ a non expert.
The opposition to all these seems to be as well silly and incompetent. They promote Marxism, which has utterly failed or they promote cultural primitivism, and funny enough most of them are kids from the upper middle class to the middle upper class and their parents do not seem to bother.
Newly there also other anti-establishment parties recruited by long-time members of the existing establishment parties.
The world is heading to new Dark Ages, where there will be a minuscule minority, which will have everything, some workaholics which will work for that minority and a vast majority of proletarians.