The Greek Left has been proven even worse than conservatives, liberals, social-liberals and socialdemocrats. More incompetence, more arrogance, more greed, more lust for power, more lies, than everybody before them.
After WWII it was safer to recruit journalists and intellectual from the communist party, as the two other options were either religious imperialists or liberals. However there cannot be liberalism without an economy that hasn't changed since the Middle Ages. So people of the left spectrum were recruited and they had to follow the guidance of the conservative elite. Even today, journalists with most neoliberal or reactionary worldview, were as students members of communist groups.
One had the impression that they were well educated, but were a bit too idealistic for the current problems. Especially a party call Communist Party of Greece Interior. However because they didn't become money from the USSR, they had to appeal to idealists, as they couldn't offer jobs in the public sector or in the party so they were always a marginal party.
After the bankruptcy of 2010, the center-left party lost many votes to the parties of the left. The old communist party of the interior had split to two parties the eurocommunists and the revisionaries sometimes in the eighties and they kept uniting and separating with other parties of the left. Especially when the new party was called Coalition of the Left. At first a more moderate left party was voted, but as it took part at a government coalition together with the conservatives and the social democrats of PASOK, it lost it's supporters. The old centre-left party PASOK was shrinking, loosing votes to the new centrum parties and the Coalition of the Left.
Many thought one should give the Coalition of the Left a chance as people naively thought the left theorists are educated, cultivated, motivated, honest and hard-working idealists.
The prime minister was proved to be an illiterate. As a young pupil he and his girlfriend chose to follow the profession of a communist. He was a member of the youth of the Communist Party (of abroad), but he didn't follow its retreat from the Left coalition sometimes in the nighties. No USSR, too rigid way of forming speeches, so he remained in Coalition of the Left. Later the leader of the Left, who was without any charisma wanted to use this young lad as the frontman and his childish manners could bring in votes and due to his incompetence, he would have to have him as his mentor. However as it always happens the puppet rebelled against his mentor and the mentor left the party. The puppet could have as many mentors as he wished. He wasn't doing anything valuable anyway.
This person was elected prime minister. Α bunch of illiterate people who never did anything but picking up expressions of the marxist left, who actually believed in the world revolution of the proletariate became ministers.
So they did what they have been taught. They favoured people who live a nomadic or ghetto life and they did what they could to harm the honest, hard working people, either blue-collar or white-collar workers. As real marxists they had no problem with rich people as long as these rich people traded with the state, as long as they acted as presidents of state enterprises.
Of course marxist call everybody with an opinion a fascist, but in order to become a government, they didn't have a problem to form a coalition with a party of the extreme right. The steak was called a fish and the party was placed in the centre.
The tried to control or found newspapers, radio stations and tv channels to serve their propaganda. That the state channel was used as such wasn't enough. Being useless, lazy, stupid and incompetent they failed, so they had to do many favours for the greek parasitic plutocrats.
One successful shipowner, although working abroad, has family ties with the conservative party and owns the fooball club of Olympiacos Peiraieus. This was enough for the party to take sides against Olympiacos as a whole, although the basketball club is owned by other people and the other sports aren't permitted to have owners. They try to accuse him of everything possible, drug dealing or setting up criminal structures. However when real problems arouse at basketball, the government didn't do anything, because they didn't understand the problem. Well that might be true, because they cannot understand anything, but it seems as if they had asked if the problems were for or against Olympiacos and decided accordingly.
Many times they were saying that they had the government, but they didn't have the power, a thing a democratical party would never say.
They use a countless number of trolls, still know, who comment everywhere, social media, sites and blogs. They phone every radio or tv show to promote their propaganda. Not only for politics, but also for sports and culture. It seems that the majority of the voters, do not really work, although they may appear to be civil servants, journalists, party employees etc. And for their propaganda they should be ashamed. Either they are retarded and their arguments are accordingly, or they think the other people are retarded, then they should be ashamed to try to fool such people.
All in all they proved to be a circus, and every clown either conservative, or centre, or social democrat, is less ridiculous than them. Even if they believe in state economy, they didn't even try to found some state enterprises.