Τετάρτη 26 Απριλίου 2017

Fugitive children in Greece

It is true that among the illegal aliens trapped in Greece, there are many children from Syria. They certainly deserve an education, however like any other problem, the politicians play games. The mainstream parties do nothing about it and let far-right and far-left groups make a lot of noise, talk nonsense and never solve the problem. After polarising the problem, the goverments feel free to do whatever they like as most citizens do not want to express their opinion, as they will be classified as far-right activists. Far-right groups take the role of the bad guy and far-left of the good but utopian guy.
In order to see what kind of nonsense this far-right activists speak, it should be highlighted that since the nineties, Albanian children are attending the Greek schools as their parents migrated to Greece. Most Albanians are of Muslim faith although they are not so fanatical. However their numbers are far greater than the Syrian children. The far-right activists shout about Orthodoxy, meaning the Eastern Orthodox Christian denomination, being under attack, but Albanians do not seem to have harmed 'Orthodoxy'. Of course there are also children from Africa, India, Pakistan and some countries.
Of course far-left groups are more than happy to respond and make fuss themselves.
The European governments will give some money for the children, the non-governmental people will take them and no one will know what they do with them. The Greek State will also receive much money and come out with the cheapest solution.  The Greek Coalition of far-left and far-right coalition know that they will never have so many MP's again, so they govern from day to day.
What should the children learn in the first place? Greek or Arabic, English or some other language? The children live in hot-spots and do not speak the Greek language. The Albanian and other children on the other hand were usually born in Greece and learnt Greek as their maternal language and were widespread among the country. Their fathers came as young singles, when Albania opened its borders, they found somewhere work, then they brought women from Albania and married them and then they had children. That was generally the case.
The refugees do not want to stay in Greece, they want to go to countries where they think they can find work. They are trapped in Greece. Now, some trolls will say Greece is in the EU, so they are okay. If normal people will say, Greece is bankrupt and there are no jobs in Greece, they add that Greeks could immigrate; so probably the refugees can stay behind and can take over their position as unemployed. Lucky for the English and Welsh, Greeks cannot immigrate in the UK either. The European civil cervants who call themselves politicians and leaders, plus some clowns like George Soros, expect that the refugees will found companies in Europe. Those who had companies in their country can set them up anew, but those with no experience remain without experience. The refugees will not be able to do anything in Greece regarding start-ups, because Greeks cannot do it either. Politicians who want to control, who is getting which job, parasitic capitalism which sees normal companies as prey and the Church coming always up with Byzantine and Ottoman documents claiming land, make every company unprofitable.
So we have the little Syrian children, who have to go to Greek schools. The NGO's say the will visit schools in the afternoon, after the Greek speaking children had their lessons. However I heard many  of them saying how good Greek the Syrian kids already speak. So what is their plan? Keeping the money EU for 'other causes' and letting the children visit the Greek school in the morning? In a language they do not understand and learning things they think they do not need as they hope they will succeed reaching richer countries? Certainly many people think that. 
There is some big business going on, but neither the refugees nor the simple people profit from it, because the self-titled elites are interrested only in themselves.