It is an article from a Christian Orthodox newspaper. Most of the article is just low level garbage, but the conclusion is frightening. The priest writes as a conclusion that since the madmen and the morons of the world are left unaccountable to think, talk and to express themselves, the sapients will suffer, if there will be no drastic measures taken for the protection of the entire society.
The morons of the world are all those, who don't believe in monotheism, so all polytheists, atheists and pantheists and their subdivisions and special cases. The sapients are those who believe the apocalyptic nature of the Bible, the Councils, the Fathers of the Church and all the priests in general. This person says that people shouldn't be allowed to think. So even if one talks or expresses himself by any other means, art probably, if everything was according to his wishes, the guilty of expressing himself would be also guilty of thinking. They never change. They cannot deal with thinking people. By their next chance, they will do exactly the same things as in the past.