Κυριακή 23 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Nothing to do with the Ancient Greeks

 That is what Greek Christians say. There is a website said to be written by Christians who go often to Athos, the so-called Holy Mountain in Greece. They say they are neither theologians, nor clerics or monks, however they have time for a website and they write it in so many languages. Christians do not do anything without guidance of a priest. Anyhow what they write is exactly what Christians teach when they are among themselves and they do not need to proselytise people with different beliefs.
They call Christianity and probably they mean only the Eastern Orthodox version, the Absolute Nation. Every Christian has a descent, but that is of no importance. All Christian are bonded through a godly, spiritual and a supernatural way, which eliminates the earthly bonds. So the Christians of Greek descent don't have anything to do with the Hellenic King Antiochus, however they are one through Christ with the Maccabees, who are every Christian's brothers and heroes.
Further they write that the Old Testament has nothing to do with the Jews of today and they write the words in parentheses Talmudists and Zionists. That is because, they denied God, as they call the denial to believe in Christ. The Jews of then are supposed to have said that they have no other king than Caesar, so that makes Christians the only Israel. The Christians are the descendants through Christ of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the 'just' of the Old Testament, the way it was described with the Maccabees.
Jesus Christ is supposed to have said that if they don't believe in him, they don't believe in Moses, because Moses talked about him.
So what true Christians believe is that they alone are the true Jews or Israelis.
So whenever priests and theologians protest about not being called Hellenes or say they are afraid of a civil war in these hard and sad times, which it seems to be always the case, it is all crocodile tears. One has to choose what one wants to be.
If Christians have nothing to do with Antiochos, than they have nothing to do with all the Ancient Greeks and those who aren't Christians.
