Marxists come talking the marxist gibberish and talk about eating and full bellies. That philosophy and ideas and virtue are no help to anybody. Isn't it? Wasn't the problem that the Communists failed to implement a communistic virtue to people? Christians blame also the lack of christian virtues for their crimes.
Anyway the Marxists ideas have failed both in Soviet Union which collapsed, and in China which became capitilastic.
Somebody had said something about Western Communism, which was great. Of course it is. It was never tried out, that's why. In theory everything works fine, especially when one believes instead of using his reason.
Anyway the Marxists ideas have failed both in Soviet Union which collapsed, and in China which became capitilastic.
Somebody had said something about Western Communism, which was great. Of course it is. It was never tried out, that's why. In theory everything works fine, especially when one believes instead of using his reason.