Κυριακή 17 Απριλίου 2016

How the pious react when a historical truth is revealed

The problem of the Greek Internet is that in the name of freedom of speech, they let every idiot talk the way he learnt it home. Probably the phorum, site or blog owners are afraid to have the one or the other fraction against them, or they are afraid there are no two people in Greece who can converse for the sake of knowledge.
After somebody, probably an atheist, had posted a documentary about the Greek War of Independence and especially the part were it says about Revolutionaries seeking support from the Pope in exchange to subordination in matters of faith, this person was in panic of the serious threat against a vital myth of the Greek Orthodox Church.
After the obligatory trash talk, this person begins with its arguments. Having payed at least 60€ for each book, so it thinks that other Greeks do not have money for books anymore, they will listen to the crap as revelations. No internet book is valid, no article. The funny thing is that the books preferred are very old, so they are free to download. Wikipedia is not valid, althought many articles have more than one source and one can retrace the quotation.
At first the person acts as if the contact between revolutionaries and the Pope had never happened. Modern scholars have to be verified first, it is said.
Then it is verified. They weren't the Greeks however, they were just members of the Revolutionary Government but without any authorisation by the Greek people. No elections, no referendums, no permission by the Patriarch of Constantinople who cursed the Revolution and the revolutionaries or the Sultan.
Then it appears to be the idea of a Bishop, the one who announced the Revolution on the 25th of March in the Monastery of St. Laura or Lavra, but forgot to mention it in his memoirs. The Bishop just wanted to talk about the unification of the Churches between East and West. Just the right timing and the right people. A Bishop and some revolutionaries would discuss in place of five or more Patriarchs. It is different if the Revolutionaries would become Greek Catholics and different to talk in the name of the whole Orthodox Church.
Then it is said that the Greeks did that in order to show that they would welcome any help from the West, not only from Russia. As if they didn't know the problem of the Holy Alliance. Then comes a quotation from a German historian saying that the offer had as a cause diplomacy and was not because the Greeks accepting filioque.
The Pope rejecting the offer shows he didn't believe in Greeks change of convictions according to that person.

So everybody verifies this approach made by the leaders of the Greek Revolution towards the Pope, and it was rejected, because the Pope would loose almost everything and wouldn't have won anything. Napoleon, the French Revolution and the Enlightment were just defeated and he wouldn't make any concessions for the sake of some Revolutionaries, who most probably had the ideas of the French Revolution. The Catholic Church did them about half a century later with the First Vatican Council, but then there was hope the old order would remain, and the French Revolution would be forgotten after some decades.