Σάββατο 30 Απριλίου 2016

The Religion of Love wishes you Rotten Hands and Etching Stomachs!

 The Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter and a Bishop wished that the hand of the Minister of Education should rot, if he would sign off the repeal of the religion course in schools.  As for the Atheists he wishes that the meat should turn to acid and etch their stomachs and turn to stone so they cannnot congest it. Everyone should eat what he wants and believe what he wants, but not against the feelings of the religious ones.
So they should eat what they want, but not whenever they want, because the people in the churches attending the ceremonies feel offended when there are somewhere people eating meat. Of course only Christians are aloud to worship their God, because all other Gods are pseudogods and all other religions are lies.


Παρασκευή 29 Απριλίου 2016

They put a burning lamp in Jesus' Grave

In the video one can see that in the supposed grave of Jesus the Nazarene, one silver candle is put and after the ceremony they relight all the candles and lamps again from that candle. This lamp has openings called tongues, so that the fire keeps burning while it is in the grave. All explained in Greek by an Archdeacon in 1965. They don't even call it a mystery. He tells a story about a dean insisting that the ceremony should be announced as a mystery, althought it is clear to everyone what happens and a dean isn't even a prelate.

Would Atheists call it First Supper in English?

In Greek Last Supper is called the Secret Supper. The Greek Atheists invited openly people to an Open Supper, where one could eat meat and whatever one wishes. They announced the two restaurants, one in Athens and one in Thessalonike, where people could attend. If there was a wish for other cities, people should call the Union of the Atheists so they could come in contact and arrange something.
As soon as it was announced, fanatics started calling and cursed, swore and menaced the people who worked in the restaurants, although many of them are more or less Christians. In Greece one out of four are Atheists, the rest have some sort of a belief system influenced by Christianity. Less than one third are pure Orthodox Christians, although many would say they were Orthodox, without believing all the articles of the Symbol of Faith.
An online article noticed only the sarcastic tone in the Atheist's statement and called their gathering a 'carnivore party'. Is that how they want their celebrations this Sunday to be called?

Common people love the greek language even the biblical one

Here an ardent supporter of modern Greek talks about the biblical phrases Greek people like to use. Many phrases are from one ceremony and the content is known to the majority, so it is easier for the people to memorise some phrases, although they sometimes do understand them wrong.
Matins of Great and Holy Friday is celebrated on the evening of Holy Thursday. During this service, twelve Matins Gospels are chanted, from which this service derives its name of "Matins of the Twelve Gospels". These Gospel lessons recount in chronological order the events from the Last Supper though the Crucifixion and burial of Jesus.
 This shows that no matter how much 'progressive' people want to change this, common people like ancient Greek. Although the Bible wasn't written for the literate of that time, the Christians let the language deteriorate so much, that people regarded biblical Greek as a high level language. Linguists may say that languages do not deteriorate, they just evolve and adapt to the needs of the people, but it is the level of the common people deteriorated as well. Although for  many people greek was the manternal and main language, it became simpler by the time. Biblical greek on the other hand was for the majority of the Roman Empire a second or a third language by the time the gospels took their final form.
Common people learned phrases, although most of them didn't know how to read or write, because they knew the story and many phrases were or seemed familiar, although there is the phenomenon of 'false friends' as well.
Why should people learn ancient Greek in school, ask modernisers; because people love it. However the way of teaching must change. One should stop the byzantine system, where people learn ancient Greek without understanding the text. One must know the content of the text, try to guess the meaning of the words and phrases and then use them. That's what experience shows.

The Jews say antisemitism is Christian and not Heathen

I don't know who that person is, anyhow many Christians accuse us Hellenic Ethnic Heathens of choosing our beliefs only out of antisemitism and that Hitler was a Pagan and Nazis are a pagan movement and so on.

Τρίτη 26 Απριλίου 2016

The prophecy of the Absinth Star!

A Communist blogger, whose blog has the modern greek language as its main interest, when he sees something about Ancient Greece, he will not hesitate to search every book to prove it wrong. Usually he is right about these things, because the articles that are easily disseminated are from conservative Christians and are totally distorted with mistakes, inaccuracies and fallacies. One would expect that he would be more careful about this mistake; but no, and he ignored the remark made by another person, by saying that the prophecy will not become inaccurate. Well probably the Soviets couldn't have made mistakes. It was the Antichrist that brought the disaster to Chernobyl, as well as to bring the Soviet Union to the Fall. The Lord giveth the Paradise on Earth, the Lord taketh away...

However Christians will say that all Hellenic Ethnic Heathens are Marxists and the Marxists will say we are Faschists and Nazis. Well the fact is that Nazis and Marxists is proved that they are brothers in faith.

John's Apocalypse says following:
"8:10. And the third angel sounded the trumpet: and a great star fell from heaven, burning as it were a torch. And it fell on the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters:
8:11. And the name of the star is called Wormwood. And the third part of the waters became wormwood. And many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter."

Wormwood's scientific name is Artemisia absinthium. Chernobyl where the disaster happened thirty years ago, has its name from Artemisia vulgaris.

 Ukrainian article here.
"Поли́н звича́йний (Artemisia vulgaris) — багаторічна трав'яниста рослина родини Айстрових. В Україні широко відома під назвою чорно́биль, яка вказує на темний колір стебла; рідше її називають нехворо́щ або нехворо́ща[1]. Лікарський, медоносний, інсектицидний вид. "

Δευτέρα 25 Απριλίου 2016

A typical rotten fascistic behaviour!

Greek Orthodox say that at the time of Easter, every year the same miracle happens. Candles light up by themselves in the grave of Jesus of Nazareth in Jerusalem and the Greek Orthodox say that this light is the uncreated one, that means it must be Yahweh. Only the Trinity is uncreated and I don't know about the body of Jesus Christ the Son Yahweh. The Trinity is Father Yahweh, Son Yahweh and Holy Spirit Yahweh. The uncreated light is not supposed to burn. They call it fos, that means light, althought it is about fire and in modern Greek fire fotia is. I have never heard of an uncreated fire. After a while the uncreated fire-light, transforms into a created one.
 There is a man who has studied Mechanical Engineering in Germany, his name is Michalis Kalopoulos, that has shown how easy is to make miracles like the ones of the Old and New Testament. The burning bush, the self-lighting candles and some other.
The women are Christians and the other guy doesn't participate. The fourth woman is the presenter. I don't know why these women were chosen, the one is an author the other is a student of theology, the third one I don't know.
Mr Kalopoulos shows once again how easy it is to make the candles light up by themselves, he has documents and past interviews with priests and Patriarchs who say that the miracle is none, it is just a legend etc. The other two women come up with the usual stories of Armenian Patriarchs failing to do cause the same miracle. Mr Kalopoulos has had many discussions about that and he knows everything concerning the 'Holy Uncreated Light'.
In the end the other woman, maybe a presenter as well, asks Kalopoulos. 'What do you think about the people waiting for this light?' He says that they are believers. 'What do you mean by believers?'. He answers that a believer for some reasons believes that, without research it any further. 'What do you mean  he doesn't what to research it any further?' In the end after seeing that he will not say it by himself, she asks if a believer is a naive person.
So after having answered all the questions and after showing his knowledge on the subject they try to trick him into a fight and say that he swears at them.
Of course the one woman tries to say that the miracle is not the light itself, but descending blue curtains and ribbons of light. Well the light there is bluish and there is a light which certainly comes from a police car.
And then she wishes him happy resurrection, which is of course a sign of Domination, a sign that the Christian Orthodox Church are the Conquerors and although they may not mutilate and burn alive anymore, they still can destroy lifes. Of course they destroyed the Greek country, but they survive, even in less luxury.

Κυριακή 24 Απριλίου 2016

Popes do sound nice...

Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio, alias Francis I, said that he was not worthy to criticise gay people. Everybody believed that this Pope is an open-minded person. However he refuses to accept a gay person as France's ambassador in his state. Should we trust their words?


An even better plan for the whole world, Mr Soros!

Soros is calling himself a philanthrop, but his main occupation doesn't hint to that direction. He has also very bright ideas about what should happen to common's people money. Yes, more taxes. People paying taxes and becoming nothing, no schools, no medical care, no infrastructure.
Soros and people like him, should invest and speculate their money in a better way.  They should go to Afghanistan for example and make it a second Germany or Japan. They have the money to create the industries and they will have the shares of the companies. The shares will go from nil value to values comparable these of Germany or Japan. There will be work for everybody and the workers will buy their products. There are a lot of Iranian, Indian, Pakistani and former Soviets with enough experience in all branches of West industries. From the profits the investors will do the same in Africa, Africa has resources as well. How about that?

Soros Article

Κυριακή 17 Απριλίου 2016

These people are teaching adolescents

The Union of the Theologians, those who teach Religion in the secondary schools, had a news release about the Pope's visit.
They say that Popism, thats Catholicism, is a heresy. Well, every philosophical or a theological system is a heresy. It seems that especially in Christianity Yahweh wasn't clear enough about his revelations.
Popism is guilty of Holy Inquisition and Enlightment. They accuse firstly the Catholics of Englightment and secondly they think the Enlightment was something bad. That reminds me of other people as well, hating democracy, freedom, humanism, science and philosophy. Nazis, Islamists and with exception of science Marxists as well.
Than come all the differences no one understands. Who should have the highest status, well today the bishop of New York or Washington DC. The inerrant of the Pope, well that is every Christian anyway, I have never met a Christian that he isn't just perfect, with the grace of Yahweh of course. Papal State, and filioque. Could these theologians explain the filioque, not just tell what it is? Most probably not. They say that Catholics have a conception of Yahweh as judge and punisher, but so do all Christians. These and many other differences make it impossible to greet Catholics with hug and kiss, have common feasts and common rituals. Why?
The Popes were never nice to the Orthodox. To whom were they nice, then? Not even to themselves. Except the Borgias maybe.
The Pope should go as a statesman to the powerful of the world and demand to stop all wars, stop the plans of islamisation of Greece and Europe, christianophobia and protect the Christians of the Middle East. Well the Pope cannot convince the USA to let the Latinamericans in, if they wish to. Only Christians should be protected, all others are of the Devil. When the Orthodox were under the Ottoman rule they didn't want to leave. Evil Enlightment put the idea of freedom in the heads of the Greeks.
Pope you should tell the Westeners to give money to the Greeks, especially the Churches.

These people teach Religion. There is a thought, but the Left Government hasn't the guts, to teach Reliogionology, but who will do that? They will say why the other religions were mady by the Devil and that only the Orthodox Christian Religion is good.

How the pious react when a historical truth is revealed

The problem of the Greek Internet is that in the name of freedom of speech, they let every idiot talk the way he learnt it home. Probably the phorum, site or blog owners are afraid to have the one or the other fraction against them, or they are afraid there are no two people in Greece who can converse for the sake of knowledge.
After somebody, probably an atheist, had posted a documentary about the Greek War of Independence and especially the part were it says about Revolutionaries seeking support from the Pope in exchange to subordination in matters of faith, this person was in panic of the serious threat against a vital myth of the Greek Orthodox Church.
After the obligatory trash talk, this person begins with its arguments. Having payed at least 60€ for each book, so it thinks that other Greeks do not have money for books anymore, they will listen to the crap as revelations. No internet book is valid, no article. The funny thing is that the books preferred are very old, so they are free to download. Wikipedia is not valid, althought many articles have more than one source and one can retrace the quotation.
At first the person acts as if the contact between revolutionaries and the Pope had never happened. Modern scholars have to be verified first, it is said.
Then it is verified. They weren't the Greeks however, they were just members of the Revolutionary Government but without any authorisation by the Greek people. No elections, no referendums, no permission by the Patriarch of Constantinople who cursed the Revolution and the revolutionaries or the Sultan.
Then it appears to be the idea of a Bishop, the one who announced the Revolution on the 25th of March in the Monastery of St. Laura or Lavra, but forgot to mention it in his memoirs. The Bishop just wanted to talk about the unification of the Churches between East and West. Just the right timing and the right people. A Bishop and some revolutionaries would discuss in place of five or more Patriarchs. It is different if the Revolutionaries would become Greek Catholics and different to talk in the name of the whole Orthodox Church.
Then it is said that the Greeks did that in order to show that they would welcome any help from the West, not only from Russia. As if they didn't know the problem of the Holy Alliance. Then comes a quotation from a German historian saying that the offer had as a cause diplomacy and was not because the Greeks accepting filioque.
The Pope rejecting the offer shows he didn't believe in Greeks change of convictions according to that person.

So everybody verifies this approach made by the leaders of the Greek Revolution towards the Pope, and it was rejected, because the Pope would loose almost everything and wouldn't have won anything. Napoleon, the French Revolution and the Enlightment were just defeated and he wouldn't make any concessions for the sake of some Revolutionaries, who most probably had the ideas of the French Revolution. The Catholic Church did them about half a century later with the First Vatican Council, but then there was hope the old order would remain, and the French Revolution would be forgotten after some decades.

"Oh, please no, don't let the Pope go to Lesbos"

The Pope went for a visit to Lesbos were the most refugees arrive from Turkey. When it was announced, the Bishop of Glyfada, a district of Athens, produced a formal news release that they, the Bishop, prayed that the trip would be postponed, so that there was time for all the Bishops to gather and discuss the matter.
The Pope could visit the island of Lesbos as other celebrities did as well. He is also a Head of a State and that would be a matter of the Greek State.
The Pope went together with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople-Istambul and the Archbishop of Athens. The Pope may influence the Catholic countries of Eastern Europe, however the Ecumenical Patriarch has not the status of the Pope among the Christians of the East. The speakers of the Slavic and Latin languages in the Balkan area, were obliged by the Ottomans to be subordinated to the Patriarch of Constantinople. So the first step to create a national conscience, was to have a separate Church from the Constantinopolitan Patriarchate. In the Past before the Ottomans, whenever a Christian created a State, because of its rivalry to the Byzantine Empire, he had also a rival Patriarch. These Patriarchates were revived in modern times.
So Yugoslavians of Skopje (FYROM), Bulgarians, Serbs and Romanians aren't that much influenced by the Patriarch of New Rome. By the way the Patriarch and the Archbishop of Athens aren't on good terms either.
The first source is a news release from students of East Christian Theology, saying that they plead with tears in their eyes, not to let this happen. They are nostalgic of the penultimate Archbishop, who was boor but frank. He would not talk to Catholics, because he could not bear the sight of them. He asked at conference all the frankstudied theologians, if the Pope was Church and they didn't answer. He may have used all his power against people he didn't like, but he repented with tears in his eyes by his confessions. His confessor was a monk, that burnt his hut everyday as he woke up and built a new one in order to get rid of the demons. These students of Theology are going to be teachers at schools.
The Pope did what he wanted to do, didn't go alone so nobody could accuse him of anything and he asked both East Christian leaders to act as a team with him, so he couldn't be accused of intervening in favour of one or the other, or try to arouse troubles between the two.
The Pope is a celebrity, the others aren't. However no one is willing to do anything practical for the problem.

The students of theology
The Bishop

Σάββατο 16 Απριλίου 2016

In 1821 the Greeks could have become Catholics!

The Greeks by the outbreak of the Greek War of Independence offered to acknoledge the Pope as their leader, if he would acknowledge their Revolution, offer that the Pope declined.

God Apollo punished the 'pious' not Aesop

Plutarch was for decades a priest at the Temple Delphi himself. Many Christians, Atheists and other ignorants want to see Aesop as martyr of freedom of thought and speech. However the priest of Apollo of Delphi, said that God Apollo punished his so called defenders for their detestable act, with plague.


The earliest Greek sources, including Aristotle, indicate that Aesop was born around 620 BCE in Thrace at a site on the Black Sea coast which would later become the city Mesembria. A number of later writers from the Roman imperial period (including Phaedrus, who adapted the fables into Latin) say that he was born in Phrygia.[2] The 3rd-century poet Callimachus called him "Aesop of Sardis,"[3] and the later writer Maximus of Tyre called him "the sage of Lydia."[4]
From Aristotle[5] and Herodotus[6] we learn that Aesop was a slave in Samos and that his masters were first a man named Xanthus and then a man named Iadmon; that he must eventually have been freed, because he argued as an advocate for a wealthy Samian; and that he met his end in the city of Delphi. Plutarch[7] tells us that Aesop had come to Delphi on a diplomatic mission from King Croesus of Lydia, that he insulted the Delphians, was sentenced to death on a trumped-up charge of temple theft, and was thrown from a cliff (after which the Delphians suffered pestilence and famine); before this fatal episode, Aesop met with Periander of Corinth, where Plutarch has him dining with the Seven Sages of Greece, sitting beside his friend Solon, whom he had met in Sardis. (Leslie Kurke suggests that Aesop himself "was a popular contender for inclusion" in the list of Seven Sages.)[8]
Problems of chronological reconciliation dating the death of Aesop and the reign of Croesus led the Aesop scholar (and compiler of the Perry Index) Ben Edwin Perry in 1965 to conclude that "everything in the ancient testimony about Aesop that pertains to his associations with either Croesus or with any of the so-called Seven Wise Men of Greece must be reckoned as literary fiction," and Perry likewise dismissed Aesop's death in Delphi as legendary;[9] but subsequent research has established that a possible diplomatic mission for Croesus and a visit to Periander "are consistent with the year of Aesop's death."[10] Still problematic is the story by Phaedrus which has Aesop in Athens, telling the fable of the frogs who asked for a king, during the reign of Peisistratos, which occurred decades after the presumed date of Aesop's death.[11]

You may like Sappho Mr. Bergoglio, the Byzantines Priests however don't!

The Pope told the Patriarch and Archbishop, that as a learner of Ancient Greek in his youth, he never could have imagined, that one day he would visit her island. Well there isn't much of her poems left, because the Byzantines kept the texts they thought would be beneficial for learning ancient greek grammar, syntax and style and not because of their content. What hasn't been burnt until the middle of the 7th century CE, was used as a palimpsest.

The Churches can help with their fortunes as well

It is easy to "call upon all political leaders to employ every means" without participating. Goverments minimise social expenditures, there is a lack of teachers, doctors and social workers, so the people who benefit from the change of Goverment should pay.

In Greek and English

Τετάρτη 13 Απριλίου 2016

The Church wants 25 times bigger holding than the 'inherited' one!


A Greek Church in a city claims she had inherited 1929 a piece of land 300 stremma. 1960 the Church wanted 5000 stremma and the year 2000 7500 stremma. 3380 owner of houses, than these places have become districts of Athens, and public areas as well, will become the ownership of the Church.

The Greed Church Sells and Claims Back!


1930 the Church sold pieces of land, which most probably didn't belong to her anyway. She talks vaguely about a presidential decree of 1933, but makes use of it more than fifty years later. There is also a law of 1988, which says that the Church couldn't be propriator of forests, prairies and lands for agriculture. So actually she should be giving the money back to the heirs with interest.
She claims the houses of 72 families, which are poor people and they inherited their homes and paid a lot of taxes on  them. Because the people are poor, the Church makes 72 cases out of it, instead of a big one.

Κυριακή 10 Απριλίου 2016

Celebrated since 1959, totally unknown people!

10th of April is the Nameday of many Ancient Greek names. Socrates, Pericles, Homer, Miltiades, Demosthenes were no saints, so Christians couldn't have these names. Until the last or the two last decades of the last millenium, one couldn't acquire a name any other way, but through baptism or a similar act if one belonged to the two other abrahamic religions. 
The first source is just a news portal, however I noticed that today there are many saints celebrating. The second source says that the first time today's celebrating saints are mentioned is 1959 CE.
The third is about the Patriarch telling the Bishops in 1819, two years before the outbreak of the Greek War of Independence, to stop baptising little children using the old Hellenic names. Of course in the Ottoman times one couldn't afford to present himself as a Heathen or an Atheist, so Greeks had to baptise their children. Odysseus Androutsos who had saved the Independence War  by stopping a great Ottoman Army from invading Peloponnesus, wasn't a Christian but a Muslim of the Bektashi Order. The Christians of the time accused him of treason and murdered him without a trial.
The Patriarch said the children should be named after a saint, so that they have a contact to God through that saint. However, it seems the priests had to give in and said there must have been saints with these names. So if someone has an ancient Greek name, he is named after a totally unknown saint and not the Ancient Greek person.
The trick is that a number of 1000 Christians is assumed at 40 CE, an increase of 40% per decade and that no Christian managed to escape death in the first three Centuries, but died in a generations time. So by adding the numbers of every 30 years beginning with 40 CE and adding those of 70 CE, then 100 CE and so on, one has eleven millions martyrs or more if one adds one or two decades of the fourth century, so among them there were all names presented.

21:34 | 10 Απριλίου 2016 | Γιορτάζουν: Αναξιμένης, Δημοσθένης, Διονύσιος, Επαμεινώνδας, Ετεοκλής, Ζήνων, Ηρακλής, Ηφαιστίων, Θεόφραστος, Θησέας, Ισοκράτης, Μάξιμος, Μιλτιάδης, Ξενοφών, Όμηρος, Παρμενίων, Πελοπίδας, Περικλής, Πίνδαρος, Πολύβιος, Προμηθεύς, Σοφοκλής, Σωκράτης, Τιμόθεος, Φιλοποίμην, Φωκίων



Γρηγόριος Ε΄ κατά των Ελληνικών ονομάτων

[Λίγο πριν από το 1821 αρκετοί μορφωμένοι υπόδουλοι άρχισαν να αποκηρύττουν τα χριστιανικά τους ονόματα και να παίρνουν ελληνικά, τα δε παιδιά τους τα βάπτιζαν με ονόματα αρχαίων Ελλήνων σοφών, ηρώων κ.λπ. Ο Πατριάρχης Γρηγόριος ο Ε εξέδωσε το 1819 την κατά Ελληνικών ονομάτων εγκύκλιο προς τους αρχιερείς, που ακολουθεί.]

«Και η κατά καινοτομίαν παρά ταύτα εισαχθείσα των παλαιών ελληνικών ονομάτων επιφώνησις εις τα βαπτιζόμενα βρέφη των πιστών, ως ηκούσαμεν, λαμβανομένη ως μία καταφρόνησις της χριστιανικής ονοματοθεσίας, είναι διόλου απροσφυής και ανάρμοστος· όθεν ανάγκη η Αρχιερωσύνη σας να διαδώσητε παραγγελίας εντόνους εις τους Ιερείς των ενοριών σας, και νουθεσίας πνευματικάς εις τους ευλογημένους επαρχιώτας σας, δια να λείψη τουντεύθεν και η κατάχρησις αύτη, και αφεθέντες της ακαίρου και μηδέν εχούσης το χρήσιμον φιλοτιμίας και επιδείξεως οι γονείς και ανάδοχοι να ονοματοθετώσιν εις το εξής εν τω καιρώ της θείας και μυστικής αναγεννήσεως τα ειθισμένα ταις ευσεβέσιν ακοαίς πατροπαράδοτα χριστιανικά ονόματα των εγνωσμένων τη Εκκλησία και των ενδόξως υπ' αυτής εορταζομένων Αγίων, δια να είναι έφοροι και φύλακες των βαπτιζομένων νηπίων και ταχείς και αδιάλειπτοι χορηγοί της χάριτος αυτών εις τους μετά πίστεως.»

Στην εικόνα που έχουμε αναρτήσει εμφανίζονται οι Αγιοι : πάνω σειρά : Πελοπίδας, Χρόνιος, Φωκίων, Σοφοκλής, Ισοκράτης μεσαία σειρά : Ηρακλής, Επαμεινώνδας, Δημοσθένης, Μιλτιάδης, Ομηρος κάτω σειρά : Δήμος, Τερέντιος, Γρηγόριος, Αφρικάνος και Περικλής ΟΙ ΑΓΙΟΙ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ, ΑΝΑΞΑΜΕΝΗΣ, ΑΝΑΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ (ή ΑΝΑΞΑΡΧΟΣ), ΑΡΙΣΤΕΙΔΗΣ, ΔΗΜΑΡΑΤΟΣ, ΔΗΜΟΚΛΗΣ, ΔΗΜΟΣΘΕΝΗΣ, ΔΙΟΝΥΣΙΟΣ, ΕΠΑΜΕΙΝΩΝΔΑΣ, ΕΤΕΟΚΛΗΣ, ΖΗΝΩΝ, ΗΛΙΑΣ, ΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ, ΗΣΑΪΑΣ, ΗΦΑΙΣΤΙΩΝ, ΘΕΜΙΣΤΟΚΛΗΣ, ΘΕΟΔΩΡΟΣ, ΘΕΟΦΡΑΣΤΟΣ, ΘΗΣΕΥΣ, ΘΩΜΑΣ, ΙΣΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ, ΛΟΥΚΑΣ, ΜΙΛΤΙΑΔΗΣ, ΜΝΗΣΑΡΧΟΣ, ΞΕΝΟΦΩΝ, ΟΜΗΡΟΣ, ΠΑΡΜΕΝΙΩΝ, ΠΕΛΟΠΙΔΑΣ, ΠΕΡΙΚΛΗΣ, ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ, ΠΟΛΥΒΙΟΣ, ΠΟΛΥΝΙΚΗΣ, ΠΡΟΜΗΘΕΥΣ, ΣΟΦΟΚΛΗΣ, ΣΩΚΡΑΤΗΣ, ΤΙΜΟΘΕΟΣ, ΤΙΤΟΣ, ΦΙΛΟΠΟΙΜΗΝ, ΦΩΚΙΩΝ, ΧΡΟΝΗΣ, (ή ΧΡΟΝΙΟΣ) οι 40 έξ' Αφρικής Μάρτυρες (+ 249-251) Ή μνήμη τους συναντάται επιγραμματικά στο "Μικρόν Εύχολόγιον ή Αγιασματάριον" έκδοση "Αποστολικής Διακονίας" 1959, χωρίς άλλες πληροφορίες. Πουθενά άλλου δεν αναφέρεται ή μνήμη τους. Ίσως να είναι από τους πιο πάνω 36 μάρτυρες, πού μαρτύρησαν μαζί με τους αγίους Τερέντιο, Αφρικανό, Μάξιμο και Πομπήιο. (source ©: www.eortologio.gr)

Πέμπτη 7 Απριλίου 2016

Steven Runciman about the Byzantine Empire!

Not only Byzantium, but it is absolutely true about that Empire. Karl the Great Saxonslaughterer didn't think differently, nor did the Czars, Moskau being the Third Rome and the other Christian kingdoms as well.


Steven Runciman says in his book on The Byzantine Theocracy (2004): The constitution of the Byzantine Empire was based on the conviction that it was the earthly copy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Just as God ruled in Heaven, so the Emperor, made in his image, should rule on earth and carry out his commandments ... It saw itself as a universal empire. Ideally, it should embrace all the peoples of the Earth who, ideally, should all be members of the one true Christian Church, its own Orthodox Church. Just as man was made in God's image, so man's kingdom on Earth was made in the image of the Kingdom of Heaven."


Something wrong with the 'original' text!


The blogger of the source talks about Maximus Confessor who lived in the 7th century, who was tried by Byzantine authorities. At a moment he was asked by a Byzantine official, why he hated the Greek (not Hellenic as Greeks call themselves now) authorities and loved the Romans, meaning the Pope. The blogger states various reasons, why he thinks something is wrong with this statement.
Anyway the simple answer is a Byzantine would never call himself Greek, Hellene or Byzantine. They called themselves Romans and during the time of the Ottomans, the word became Romioi (ioi read as a long e). The Catholic priests were called Latins and after Karl the Great Saxonslaughterer Franks. The West called the Byzantines Greeks.
Well the incident was written by a papal librarian, so he had to invert the names. The Greek text is just a translation of the Latin one.

Τετάρτη 6 Απριλίου 2016

One typical 'proof' of the Hellenic conscience of Byzantium!

There is a text where a certain Joseph Genesius refers to "our Achilleus". The Greek Christians use similar quotes as evidence to prove that the Byzantines saw themselves as Hellenes with just another faith. They say that they saw Achilleus as their ancestor, so Byzantium is the continuation of Ancient Greece. However by reading the text one can see that their Achilleus was an Armenian named Manuel. He wasn't called the new Achilleus or "the Achilleus of our time".



Κυριακή 3 Απριλίου 2016

Medieval Greeklish!

Greeklish is when Greek is written with the Latin alphabet. Of course it is used when one cannot use a greek keybord for any reason.
However the Latin alphabet has been used before for the Greek language. The aristocracy of New Rome during the 7th century CE, preferred to use the Latin alphabet when writting Greek, in order to show a Roman descent.


Σάββατο 2 Απριλίου 2016

Sheikh ul-Islam Hacı Halil Efendi!

An article about an Ottoman Sheikh ul-Islam was published in a Greek blog. The Sheikh ul-Islam was the third most important person of the Ottoman Empire. He had to advise the Sultan, if his orders were in accord with the Koran. There were some examples of such experts being frightened to give the right advise and they gave one the Sultan wished to hear, because they were  afraid of the decapitation.
However there was one who didn't say what the Sultan wanted to hear. The Sultan wanted to slaughter the Orthodox Christians of Constantinople-Istambul, because the Greeks of the Danubian Principalities and of Peloponnese had rebelled. Sheikh ul-Islam Hacı Halil Efendi couldn't find any justification for this. While he was investigating the case the Sultan sent him to exile, but before sending him off, they tortured him so much, he died, so they sent him to the bottom of the sea. However this saved the Orthodox Christians of Constinople-Istambul, but not the Patriarch. The Patriarch was hanged, because he had failed as a leader of the Orthodox Church.
No Greek person knows about this and probably no Turk either. The Patriarch condemned the Greek Revolution, some years ago he had condemned the use of Ancient Greek names too, and by this he had led the Greeks of the Danubian Principalities into failure. No Turk has written an article in Wikipedia about Halil.


"Not those of Greek blood, only the pagans"

The Christian Father delivered speeches against the Hellenes, the Jews and other communities, where they practically swore at them.
The current Greek Christians say that they didn't swear at all the Greeks, just the Heathens.
This is an anachronism to confuse Greeks of today.
The Christian Fathers wanted to form a new nation of Jahweh. They couldn't carve new out of stone, they had to accept people from other communities. The converts had to give up their former ethnicities and become Christians.
Then the Christian Nation became the name 'Roman'. However it was never achieved to have one Christian Nation under one Christian King and one Pope.

A Patriarch with a brilliant plan!

In 1828 England, France and Russia had decided, that Greece should be independent and they would intervene militarily if necessary. There came the Patriarch of Constantinople and had the brilliant idea that the Greeks should ask for forgiveness from the Sultan, become his subjects again and they wouldn't be punish for their deeds and they wouldn't have to pay the taxes they omitted paying, because they were busy rebelling.
