The Greek War of Independence broke out in 1821. On 24th of February it began at the Danubian principalities and on 17 March in Mani in Peloponnese and several other cities of Peloponnese followed the following days.
Although the Patriarch of Constantinople excommunicated the Leader who was in the Danube principalities and condemned the Greek Revolution, the Greek Revolution is celebrated on a religious day, the 25th of March.
That condemnation hindered the Orthodox people from revolting and lead to the failure of the Revolution in the principalities. The Russians gave permission to the Ottomans to enter the principalities and together with the lack of support from the Orthodox populations, the revolution was stifled until the beginning of the next year.
The Patriarch hindered the Revolunaries to present the Greek Revolution as a Christian one, something that Pouqueville did so that a philhellenic movement could be created in Europe.
Pouqueville created the myth of Saint Laura, where a Bishop is supposed to have announced the Revolution on the 25th of March, something that the Bishop himself never wrote in his memoirs.
Now it seems the celebration takes place in churhes, but only male teachers may give speeches about the day.
Although the Patriarch of Constantinople excommunicated the Leader who was in the Danube principalities and condemned the Greek Revolution, the Greek Revolution is celebrated on a religious day, the 25th of March.
That condemnation hindered the Orthodox people from revolting and lead to the failure of the Revolution in the principalities. The Russians gave permission to the Ottomans to enter the principalities and together with the lack of support from the Orthodox populations, the revolution was stifled until the beginning of the next year.
The Patriarch hindered the Revolunaries to present the Greek Revolution as a Christian one, something that Pouqueville did so that a philhellenic movement could be created in Europe.
Pouqueville created the myth of Saint Laura, where a Bishop is supposed to have announced the Revolution on the 25th of March, something that the Bishop himself never wrote in his memoirs.
Now it seems the celebration takes place in churhes, but only male teachers may give speeches about the day.