Δευτέρα 28 Μαρτίου 2016

The Greek Orthodox Church of USA hinders Greeks from learning Greek!

The Greek Orthodox Church says that the Church has saved the Greek Language, because the Bible was written in Greek. Now we hear that the Greek State wanted to send 80 teachers of Greek language to America and the Archbishop of America block the transfer. The service is now in English. They hope for extra believers. The saviours of the Greek language and identity. If the USA is the melting pot and people have to give up their identity than everyone has to become Protestant as well.

EU or ISIS, priest?

He is a priest maybe professor emeritus of theology at the University of Thessaloniki. He firstly talks about Cosmas the Aetolian a monk that lived in the 18th century. This monk had said that it was the will of the Christian God that Constantinople should be conquered by the Turks. Other conquerors like the Franks would have harmed the Eastern Orthodox faith, but Turks (Muslims) all they need is money.
The priest says he agrees and adds that while Europe had to incur Humanism, Renaissance and Enlightment, Greece was saved from these evil things. Europeans really destroyed everything. No Church, no Clergy, nothing remained in Europe. Greeks had great luck that they were protected by 'the Turk', all these years those terrible things happened.

 So what does he think about the Greek War of Independence which started 1821 and the Greek Independent State founded in 1830? He says 1821 begins the real Fall, little by little and the total Fall is now, probably since 1981 by joining the then EEC.

So would you prefer ISIS than EU and NATO priest? Since 1453 there are Christians who prefer to be governed by Muslims, rather than Atheists.

Κυριακή 27 Μαρτίου 2016

"They meant the pagans, not the Greek in blood!"

The Christian Fathers delivered speeches against the Hellenes as they did against the Jews and some other groups.
The modern Christians say that they didn't mean to swear at the Greek Christians, but only at the pagans, that by saying Hellenes, they meant Heathens. They confuse contemporary people with anachronisms.
The Christians wanted to form a new nation of Jahweh. They had to take people from other communities, they couldn't carve new out of stone. They had to accept Greeks, Jews and other nations. They would be the Christian nation. After a while the Christian nation took the name of the Romans.
However it was never achieved to form this one nation, of the one God Jahweh. The nations were always more than one.

The definition of Herodotus

Will the Bishop teach Modern Physics or Theology?

The Greek Minister of Education ordered that the bishops shouldn't be allowed to enter the schools and preach. There is one bishop who asserts he has worked as a consultant for NSA and has studied in HST programs. This bishop wanted to visit a school and he was denied permission. Of course the other people of the Greek Church, say that the Minister shouldn't dare do that as he hasn't the qualifications of the Bishop, etc.
Why did the Bishop want to visit the school? It was said that the represantives of the pupils invited him. Schools have head masters and orders to follow. One can think who put the idea to the pupils and how they in turn conceived the idea themselves.
What would the bishop talk about? Science or Theology? He quit Science as something useless to become a bishop. What difference does it make what he had achieved in the past, if he discredits its use? Greek pupils have to learn for ten years east Christian religion as a school subject and the books are written by theologians.
What will he tell the young people? Stop doing something useful to society and become monks? Stop developing their talents, that is easier to become saints and do everything by miracles?
Schools are not cafeterias that everybody can go in there whenever one feels like it and give speeches. Then every kind of activist would like to give speeches too.

The World exists anyway, one cannot deny that!

There is a priest, professor emeritus of Theology in Greece, who is known for his "boys" and their behaviour in the Internet. He had admitted, that the "kids" had asked him for help, he praised their articles and he helped with information. These people cannot accept, that the history of the last two thousand years is interesting for other people too. That they may not interfere in discussions of  non-believers, because it is their right not to believe.
One tactic is their arbitrary change of definitions. The thousand year old accusation and insult of the Hellenes being idolatrous, will not do, because the Christians use icons, mummified body parts, other types of relics. So they change the definitions. They say that the Hellenic Ethnic Religion is idolatry, because "its gods are constructions of imaginative imagination of our ancestors".
So Nature, Art, Science, Philosophy exist only in the imaginative imagination of the Hellenes. Reality is a God who has to make the World out of nothing, so he can change it some time in the future, because there are people who don't like its reality.

Idolatry is the worship of an idol or a physical object as a representation of a god. In all the Abrahamic religions idolatry is strongly forbidden, although views as to what constitutes idolatry differ within and between them. In some other religions the use of idols is accepted. Which images, ideas, and objects constitute idolatry is often a matter of considerable contention.
Behaviour considered idolatrous or potentially idolatrous may include the creation of any type of image of the deity, or of other figures of religious significance such as prophets, saints, and clergy, the creation of images of any person or animal at all, and the use of religious symbols, or secular ones. In addition, Christian theologians, following Saint Paul, have extended the concept to include giving undue importance to other aspects of religion, or to non-religious aspects of life in general, with no involvement of images specifically. For example, the Catechism of the Catholic Church states: "Idolatry not only refers to false pagan worship. Man commits idolatry whenever he honours and reveres a creature in place of God, whether this be gods, or demons (for example satanism), power, pleasure, race, ancestors, the state, money etc."[1] In some ultra-conservative Islamic societies with sharia law, idolaters may face the death penalty

Quoted here

Δευτέρα 21 Μαρτίου 2016

Greek Bishop forbids panegyrics from female teachers!

 The Greek War of Independence broke out in 1821. On 24th of February it began at the Danubian principalities and on 17 March in Mani in Peloponnese and several other cities of Peloponnese followed the following days.
Although the Patriarch of Constantinople excommunicated the Leader who was in the Danube principalities and condemned the Greek Revolution, the Greek Revolution is celebrated on a religious day, the 25th of March.
That condemnation hindered the Orthodox people from revolting and lead to the failure of the Revolution in the principalities. The Russians gave permission to the Ottomans to enter the principalities and together with the lack of support from the Orthodox populations, the revolution was stifled until the beginning of the next year.
The Patriarch hindered the Revolunaries to present the Greek Revolution as a Christian one, something that Pouqueville did so that a philhellenic movement could be created in Europe.
Pouqueville created the myth of Saint Laura, where a Bishop is supposed to have announced the Revolution on the 25th of March, something that the Bishop himself never wrote in his memoirs.
Now it seems the celebration takes place in churhes, but only male teachers may give speeches about the day.


Παρασκευή 18 Μαρτίου 2016

Why doesn't the Hellenic Ethnic Religion have a creed?

Another accusation is that we, the followers of the Hellenic Ethnic Religion, do not have a creed. Of course they don't. Our religion is neither apocalyptic, nor does it have a founder. It has no beginning, or otherwise it began, when humans began being religious. If one lives in the mountains he may be not be so interested in the cults of the Gods of the sea and fishers in the cults of the mountain or forest Gods. At least in smaller societies. When the societies get larger of course and both want to trade their goods further, then they get interested in other areas. Urbanisation adds new priorities and old priorities fade away. So does freedom or enslavement. The Athenians of the time of Pericles prayed at Democracy as a Goddess and some centuries later to the Genius of the Roman Emperor.
Afterwards we had to hide from the Christian Emperors, the Priests and Monks. We were loosing our freedom of worship steadily. We had to hide or migrate.
Historians admit that people around Sparta didn't cease to be Pagans at the 10th century CE, but continued for another three centuries in some villages in the vicinity. There were always those who read the remaining texts of the Ancient Greeks. Many people became, if they were not, Hellenic by reading Homer, Hesiod and Plato. The Church condemned all those who read ancient Greek texts and tried to undestand them, instead of just using some language patterns.
After 1997 CE we are free to worhip our Gods again and it is another era. Every ancient Greek text, archaeology and modern science is influencial. We receive from the previous generations the knowledge and by adding our experience we shall deliver it to the next ones.

On the other hand did creeds do any good to the Christians? How many do understand Trinity? How  many can understand the difference between filioque and its absence? How many can explain how much God and how much human is Jesus Christ? Who understand to whom did Mary give birth to? One had to use saints in order to be able to worship as one feels.
Western and Eastern and Oriental Christians have to go to different Churches because of theological matters they do not understand. Platonists, Stoics, Epicureans, Sophists, Aristotelians went to the same cults.

Πέμπτη 17 Μαρτίου 2016

The philosophers one and the Christians two!

Priests and laymen usually of the Christian dogma keep repeating to us, when they see that most of those of the Hellenic Ethnic Religion have an interest for philosophy, that the ancient philosophers 'believed' in one god.
The ancient philosophers searched for the basic substance of the World, which consists of Gods, Life, Spirit, Soul and Matter. The Christians as monotheists believe in two things, the Creator and the Creation, there is created light and uncreated and they don't have anything to do with one another.
If they had than God and Creation would become one and the God would be entagled in the World's multiplicity and this would lead to Polytheism.
The definitions underneath show the conceptions of all, single, one and many and maybe are good to describe stages in the history of religion, theology and philosophy, however they may be misleading because some are not exclusive.

Henotheism (Greek ἑνας θεός henas theos "one god") is the belief in and worship of a single god while accepting the existence or possible existence of otherdeities that may also be served.

Monolatrism or monolatry (Greek: μόνος (monos) = single, and λατρεία (latreia) = worship) is recognition of the existence of many gods but with the consistent worship of only one deity

Kathenotheism is a term coined by the philologist Max Müller to mean the worship of one god at a time. It is closely related to henotheism, the worship of one god while not rejecting the existence of other gods.

Monotheism has been defined as the belief in the existence of one god or in the oneness of God.[1] The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church gives a more restricted definition: "belief in one personal and transcendent God", as opposed to polytheism and pantheism.

Polytheism is the worship of or belief in multiple deities usually assembled into a pantheon of gods and goddesses, along with their own religions and rituals. In most religions which accept polytheism, the different gods and goddesses are representations of forces of nature or ancestral principles, and can be viewed either as autonomous or as aspects or emanations of a creator God or transcendental absolute principle (monistic theologies), which manifests immanently in nature (panentheistic and pantheistic theologies)

Panentheism (meaning "all-in-God", from the Ancient Greek πᾶν pân, "all", ἐν en, "in" and Θεός Theós, "God"), also known as Monistic Monotheism,[1] is a belief system which posits that the divine – whether as a single Godnumber of gods, or other form of "cosmic animating force"[2] – interpenetrates every part of the universe and extends, timelessly (and, presumably, spacelessly) beyond it. Unlike pantheism, which holds that the divine and the universe are identical,[3]panentheism maintains a distinction between the divine and non-divine and the significance of both.

Pantheism is the belief that the Universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity,[1] or that everything composes an all-encompassing,immanent god.[2] Pantheists thus do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god.[3]

Monism is the view that attributes oneness or singleness (Greek:μόνος) to a concept (e.g., existence). Substance monism is the philosophical view that a variety of existing things can be explained in terms of a single reality or substance.[1] Another definition states that all existing things go back to a source that is distinct from them (e.g., in Neoplatonism everything is derived from The One).[2] This is often termed priority monism, and is the view that only one thing is ontologically basic or prior to everything else. Another distinction is the difference between substance and existence monism, or stuff monism and thing monism.[3] Substance monism posits that only one kind of stuff (e.g., matter or mind) exists, although many things may be made out of this stuff. Existence monism posits that, strictly speaking, there exists only a single thing (e.g., the universe), which can only be artificially and arbitrarily divided into many things.

Τετάρτη 16 Μαρτίου 2016

Athens surrendered at once and Peiraieus not?

After Alexander had conquered the Persian Empire, the cities of Greece lost their importance, wealth and population to the new cities of the East. After the Roman conquest, many Greeks migrated to Rome. Only Athens retained some of its old glory as the city of philosophers. When Alaric attacked Greece, the Greek city-states had ceased to have armies since 5 centuries, so it is very peculiar that Athens surrendered at once and the other cities resisted. Why did Alaric destroy Eleusis and Peiraieus both belonging to Athens, but not Athens itsself?
Although Athens had no army by itsself there must have been some troops as guard. Many citizens might have been legionnaires, so they managed to hold Alaric off.
That Alaric destroyed the Eleusinian Temples, shows that he was ordered by Arcadius, the Eastern Roman Emperor, to destroy as much as he could, in order to supress Hellenic Heathendom. However Plato's Academy was also a problem to the Christians since it was a heathen institution. Roman Emperors had to wait for more than a century to feel free to close it and also turn Parthenon into a Christian Church.
The whole affair with Stilicho shows that the plan was to destroy Hellenism, however it couldn't be made openly.

Alaric struck first at the eastern empire. He marched to the neighborhood of Constantinople but, finding himself unable to undertake a siege, retraced his steps westward and then marched southward through Thessaly and the unguarded pass of Thermopylae into Greece.
The armies of the eastern empire were occupied with Hunnic incursions in Asia Minor and Syria. Instead, Rufinus attempted to negotiate with Alaric in person, which only aroused suspicions in Constantinople that Rufinius was in league with the Goths. Stilicho now marched east against Alaric. According to Claudian, Stilicho was in a position to destroy the Goths when he was ordered by Arcadius to leave Illyricum. Soon after, Rufinus' own soldiers hacked him to death. Power in Constantinople now passed to the eunuch Chamberlain Eutropius.
Rufinus' death and Stilicho's departure gave free rein to Alaric's movements; he ravaged Attica but spared Athens, which capitulated at once to the conqueror. In 396, he wiped out the last remnants of the Mysteries at Eleusis in Attica, ending a tradition of esoteric religious ceremonies that had lasted since the Bronze Age. Then he penetrated into the Peloponnesus and captured its most famous cities—CorinthArgos, and Sparta—selling many of their inhabitants into slavery.
Here, however, his victorious career suffered a serious setback. In 397 Stilicho crossed the sea to Greece and succeeded in trapping the Goths in the mountains of Pholoe, on the borders of Elis and Arcadia in the peninsula. From there Alaric escaped with difficulty, and not without some suspicion of connivance by Stilicho, who supposedly had again received orders to depart. Alaric then crossed the Gulf of Corinth and marched with the plunder of Greece northward to Epirus. Here his rampage continued until the eastern government appointed him magister militum per Illyricum, giving him the Roman command he had desired, as well as the authority to resupply his men from the imperial arsenals.

Δευτέρα 7 Μαρτίου 2016

Sun, otherwise Lemon or Canary, they are yellow too!


I don't know what the problem with Theodore Theodoridis is, maybe there are some politics behind this. The article however is full of childish crap.
The Greek State is corrupt, if the Sun hasn't noticed. The president of Olympiakos has nothing to do with the Greek State, as he is shipowner and his main office is in London and his ships go worldwide. The other two are based in Greece and the third in Russia.
Olympiakos has the best team by far and beginning to have players from its own youth.

Κυριακή 6 Μαρτίου 2016

Not only Carneval!

There is also another Greek practice condemned by the Church. To jump over fires, although it is done at a day of St. John. They call him with three different names as fortune-teller, bringer of good luck and oregano-plucker.
The fire is supposed to have a cleansing effect, to protect from evil, so that is the Church's problem.


Hellene or Christian?

Can one try to be like Socrates, Plato, Leonidas, Phokion, Lysander, Themistokles, Thucydides and the others? Not just admire them, try one's best to be like those Ancients who became virtuous persons. The Church will say no, one has to be like the saints. Just wait for the Grace of Jahweh.

Σάββατο 5 Μαρτίου 2016

Carneval and the so called Orthodox folkway

Christians want always to have their way and tell us among others about folkway. Many so called communists and anarchists, also say that Greek Orthodoxy is a folkway.
Carneval is celebrated traditionally in Greece since the Ancient times and the Greek Church has failed either to stop it or incorporate it.
If Greek people had created the Greek Orthodox folkway, than Carneval would have it's place and bishops and priests wouldn't condemn it.
If Greek people had thoroughly accepted Greek Orthodoxy, why haven't they abolished the Carneval?


Schools are not cafeterias, Bishops!

Lately Greek Bishops made a habit of visiting Greek schools to preach, without a formal invitation. They said they were invited by the pupils, a teacher and so on. However the Minister of Education made it clear to the Heads of the Schools, that they should not let Bishops in the schools and preach, without a formal invitation. Now, they say they get kicked out of the schools, although there are many priests who teach, usually Religion, and they get two salaries from the State.
