Recently a Greek actor died and I don't know if it was known while he lived, he was a pair with another male actor. I don't know any actors, so I don't know any gossip. Parallel to this the Greek government is obliged to recognise contracts signed between homosexual pairs. So the actor alive tried to influence the proceedings to go one way, an opposing conservative political advisor, there were some reactions, until a Metropolit chose to intervene. Metropolit of Dimitsana and Aigialeia, Ambrosios Lenis.
He tried to find the worst insults to characterise people, who defend human rights. The advisor made a remark on his facebook page and everybody read it. The same people don't say anything against the archpriest. A representative of the or a community of homosexuals said they were going to sue him; nothing else was said by anyone.
The funny thing is that he said he has sent to the left wing government a book, he says it is profound, about Ancient Greece. The true Christians don't read ancient Greek books, unless they are quoted in a Christian text. The book he has sent is written by an author, who writes about all sorts of conspiracy theories including aliens, supernatural beings and devils, using all kind of forgeries that have existed and interpreting real texts in the most absurd way.
Christians and Marxists use the same trick. They quote ancient Greek texts their very own way, so that they fit to their teaching and so they try to mislead the opponent.
Both sources in Greek.
Source 1
Source 2
He tried to find the worst insults to characterise people, who defend human rights. The advisor made a remark on his facebook page and everybody read it. The same people don't say anything against the archpriest. A representative of the or a community of homosexuals said they were going to sue him; nothing else was said by anyone.
The funny thing is that he said he has sent to the left wing government a book, he says it is profound, about Ancient Greece. The true Christians don't read ancient Greek books, unless they are quoted in a Christian text. The book he has sent is written by an author, who writes about all sorts of conspiracy theories including aliens, supernatural beings and devils, using all kind of forgeries that have existed and interpreting real texts in the most absurd way.
Christians and Marxists use the same trick. They quote ancient Greek texts their very own way, so that they fit to their teaching and so they try to mislead the opponent.
Both sources in Greek.
Source 1
Source 2