Σφαγίαστηκαν οἱ Ἀρειανοὶ καὶ ἄδραξαν τὴν εὐκαιρία οἱ ἀντιπολιτευόμενοι Ἀθανασιανοὶ στὸ παλάτι. Καὶ ὡς νικητὲς ἔγιναν οἱ "Ὀρθόδοξοι" καὶ οἱ "Καθολικοί".
Over the following year and a half Theodosius marshalled his forces for the invasion. The Eastern armies had atrophied since the death of the emperor Valens and most of his soldiers at the Battle of Adrianople. It fell upon the generals Flavius Stilicho and Timasius both to restore discipline to the legions and to bring them back up to strength through recruitment and conscription.
At the same time another of Theodosius's advisers, the eunuch Eutropius, was sent out from Constantinople to seek the advice and wisdom of an aged Christian monk in the Egyptian town of Lycopolis. According to the accounts of the meeting given by Claudian and Sozomen, the old monk prophesied that Theodosius would achieve a costly but decisive victory over Eugenius and Arbogast.