Τρίτη 29 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Fidel Castro died on a Black Friday

... and the misery of the Communists blackened our weekend. Twenty six years after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the fall of communism, there are still many people, who believe in the coming of a red messiah. One candidate was probably Fidel Castro, although he was ninety years old and of poor health, which made him step down from his power.
They showed their real mentality, that of a spoiled three-year-old. The world didn't do them the favour to admire "the last revolutionary symbol" and they have to talk as much rubbish as they can.
Fidel Castro wasn't a dictator they say, but a revolutionary. Well he succeeded and the term is "dictatorship of the proletariat" and he was the Maximo Líder, so?
The whole world was against him, they say. Did he have the magic potion as well? Until 1990 he was helped by the Soviet Union. That gave him at least thirty years time. From 1998 until 2013 was the time of the pink tide and China is a trade partner of Cuba.
People live very long in Cuba, they said. Yes, that maybe, if one runs out of food the first five or six days and what is left is rice and beans, well that is, it seems, a healthy diet. So Cuba admirers you know what you have to do, to live long.
They have the best educational system, they said. Well, not the best, they do not have illiterates, but I think we have to trust the Cuban government on that. Anyway, it is easier to get indoctrinated by leaflets than aurally.
They have the best medical system they said. Well, according to the official Cuban statistics and yes Cuba must be the best favela to live in.
They have Salsa, they said. So do Puertoricans. One doesn't need Communism for that.
One even said they had direct democracy in Cuba. Pity no one in Cuba was informed about that.

Παρασκευή 25 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Τρίτη 22 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Athens then Thessalonike or vice versa

In Athens and Thessalonike there are people who still have money to spend, like ex-immigrant Greeks who returned as pensioners, embassy attachés or foreign expatriates. So there are some restaurants, bars than are above average or even of high standards. Being a greek citizen for many years, I am not allowed to wonder why there is no attempt to to try to use this potential and combine it with the physical beauty of Greece, to try to attract tourists with more money.

Example in English

Τρίτη 15 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Cloak and adidas trainers!

What modern Greeks think they know about Ancient Greece is through the interpretations of the Christian priests and their attendants. Byzantine nationalists know that these interpretations are false to say the least, but prefer to believe lies, because it is more pleasant to them. One of their tricks to avoid dialectical discussions, is to use a second account and talk with their second selfs about some people wearing trainers with cloaks or togae. There is some truth in this:
SPARTANIE     Surely, you can see us on many running events. This is us – Spartans for Children [foundation “Spartanie Dzieciom”]. We run in the costumes of ancient warriors with spears and shields in our hands and helmets on our heads, trying to draw attention to the problems of disabled children and their families. We have already organized several dozens of charity actions. Time for another. Together with you, we want to raise money for rehabilitation of runners’ disabled children. The cost of one rehabilitation stay for one child is 1,800 PLN. The more we collect, the more children will take advantage of it. Help people who love running just like you!

Δευτέρα 14 Νοεμβρίου 2016

No muslims this time!

The article was published last year, but now it is circulating as done by a muslim mob. Well it wasn't thanks to Christianity that Europe became humanistic.

Girl, 16, burnt alive by Guatemalan lynch mob

A 16-year-old girl has been bashed and burnt to death in a public lynching in Guatemala that was captured on video.

The girl was reportedly accused of being part of a group that killed a taxi driver. The film shows her fate at the hands of a large mob in a village in Rio Bravo province. It also reveals the brutality of the lynchings that are routine in the poor, central American country - and throughout the region.
Fairfax Media has chosen not to show the video, but its contents are described below.

At the start of the video, which has been circulated on YouTube, the girl is seen crouched on the ground having sustained severe facial wounds. After standing up in a disoriented manner, she is grabbed by a woman and then attacked by the mob.

The girl is pushed to the ground and then set alight. She writhes on the concrete as the flames grow, eventually getting back on her feet but collapsing to the ground a few second later.

At one point, while she lies still moving her hands and feet, a man walks past and pours a bottle of liquid over her, fanning the flames and creating a circle of fire that repels the onlookers. They shift backwards but continue to watch on as she burns and dies.

Bearing witness to the murder is a crowd that appears to number in excess of 100, with more likely to be watching from beyond the camera's sight.

Some stand with hands on their hips, others have their own phones out to record the lynching. Women and children populate the diverse audience.

According to translations of the Guatemalan news site Tiempo published by other media, the girl had been part of a group that killed 68-year-old taxi driver Enrique González Noriega.

The rest of the group escaped but the girl was captured, beaten and burnt. Police reportedly arrived at the lynching scene later but did not identify the murdered girl. Guatemalan media reported her age as 16.

The incident brings to mind a chilling proverb inspired by the country's pervasive violence - "En Guatemala, la vida no vale nada" - which means, "In Guatemala, life is worth nothing".

In a 2014 report, the US State Department classified Guatemala's violent crime problem as "critical". The country of almost 15 million reported an average of 101 murders a week in 2013 – but actual figures are most likely higher, as the government does not count as homicides cases where the victim left the crime scene alive but died later of their injuries.

The State Department reports that Guatemala's high murder rate is driven by narcotics trafficking, gang-related violence, the ubiquity of firearms (more than 60 per cent of the population have a gun) and a corrupt and incompetent law enforcement system.

The country's own data shows that 47 people were murdered in lynchings in 2013, and another 441 were hurt.

Britain's Independent reports that in March this year, two men were lynched in the village of Saquiya by a mob of about 150 who accused the pair of stealing a car. One of the men was burnt while the other was hanged from a tree. Prosecutions for such attacks are rare.

Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs advises travellers to "exercise a high degree of caution" in Guatemala due to the risk of serious criminal violence and local unrest.

Guatemala has also had a disruptive week in its upper echelons. The attorney-general's office announced the arrest of central bank chief Julio Suarez, and President Otto Perez fired several cabinet ministers amid a corruption probe.

Σάββατο 12 Νοεμβρίου 2016




The European Congress of Ethnic Religions, with members in 23 nations of Europe, wish to express our support for our Indigenous Brothers and Sisters of North America, in their struggle to preserve their sacred waters and their ancestral lands at Standing Rock, North Dakota, U.S.A.

The Dakota Access Pipeline is an environmental disaster waiting to occur; such a disaster would destroy the sources of drinking water for the Standing Rock Sioux, and lead to the devastation of the environment throughout that region. At a time when we already face an environmental catastrophe of global proportions as the result of climate change caused by humans, the nations of the world should be moving away from dependence on fossil fuels to embrace renewable energy sources, as has been happening in Europe for many years. The Dakota Access Pipeline is not a step forward: it merely maintains a status quo which favors the greed of large corporate interests that care only about profits and power.
Beyond that, the imposition of this pipeline on the local Indigenous people, as if they had no rights to their lands, is not an isolated act. Rather, it is yet one more event in a centuries-old history of aggressions against Indigenous populations that includes the violation of hundreds of treaties, the armed occupation and appropriation of Indigenous lands, the forced relocation of Indigenous communities, the compulsory indoctrination of Indigenous children, the destruction of Indigenous sacred sites, and prohibitions against the use of Indigenous languages and other aspects of their cultures and traditional ways. What is happening at Standing Rock must be seen in the context of this long systemic process, and that process must be identified by its proper name – genocide.

We, who are keepers of what little remains of the Indigenous, ethnic religions and spiritual traditions of Europe, are very familiar with genocide – our ancestors experienced it, starting over a thousand years ago: invasions, carnage, religious colonization, destruction and desecration of our holy ceremonial places and forests, and the erasure, even to the present day, of our ethnic Indigenous identities, cultures and religions. It was genocide so extensive and so complete that almost no one today is even aware that it happened.

The Indigenous peoples in North Dakota are not just standing against a pipeline: they are standing for the Land that is their Mother, as she is also ours; they are standing for the Sacred Waters that are the source of life; they are standing for their culture, for their ancestors, for their children; they are standing for their very lives.

Because we remember; because we honor those who went before us, and strive to keep their ways alive; because we are children of the same Mother, we reach out to our Brothers and Sisters in North Dakota, and join our hearts and our voices to theirs.

Andras Corban-Arthen, President

for the European Congress of Ethnic Religions


Τετάρτη 9 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Archbishop planning ‘anti-gay’ schools and nurseries

The Archbishop of Cyprus says he plans to create nursery, grammar, middle and secondary schools in order to create exemplary personalities. The first question, how will they know if a four-year-old is gay or not. Then he says that it is easier to struggle against unnatural things than natural. Monks have to struggle against natural things. Well, with unnatural he meant homosexual and natural heterosexual. The question he should ask himself is if struggling against something natural is unnatural.
Everybody is talking about this homophobic rhetoric, but I think it is more than that. Christian Orthodox clerics create religious organisations where men as well have to be 'virgins', that means never have sexual intercourse with a woman and remain unmarried. Christos Yannaras, a professor of theology, was a member of one of these organisations and he condemns them, although he still is a reactionary, bigot and irrational person. He describes these people as hysterical, petty, ridiculous, bigot, neurotic, psychopatic and by no way exemplary. Once a young man's photo was on the frontpage of the organisation's magazine and a cleric said that it shouldn't happen again, because the girls of the organisation might fall in love with the photo and get excited by it. Another time there was a girl's head on the backcover and a theologian said that no-one could assure him that the girl wasn't actually naked, when the picture was taken. Well all people are naked under their clothes, so that's constant arousal for them. He talks about metropolitan bishop that at his sermons he would loose control over himself and he would start cursing people, even other bishops accusing them of homosexuality. His audience would get so frenzied, that after that they would riot against sinful places, like hotels where beauty contests take place.

Archbishop's nurseries
Christos Yannaras

Τρίτη 8 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Tsipa: The Christian Burqa

East Roman tsipa was a head and facescarf worn at the times of the East Roman Empire by women and it had to cover the hair, cheeks, chin and forehead. There is still the expression in modern Greek, of saying a woman has no tsipa on her, meaning that she is shameless. Sometimes it is used for men, because most people do not know what tsipa is.

Meat, dairy products and the New Dark Ages!

Milk and meat are bad for children, so are dairy products. Refined sugar, white flour and chips are extremely healthy and so are all foods full of E's. During the middle ages people didn't eat those things, if at all. They were nicely obedient and believed any rubbish the authorities declared as 'the Truth'. They also were so kind to die early and spare the gentry and clergy with their presence. When they started having better food and growing taller they started having mad ideas of wanting to take their future into their hands and revolutions broke out like the French one. They want brilliant people as leaders and not the incompetent children of the incompetent self-declared 'elites'. No, everything must be like the old days of the Dark Ages and they will be brought back step by step. People are not needed as consumers anymore, because the Goods and Services market isn't important anymore. Its the gamble markets that make the money. On a horse race one has to bet on the fastest horse, but the horses themselves are not important. Or the modern art market. Art by itself is unimportant, one can value anything up to any price.
Sometimes some people ought to understand this, like these people from a university from Holland saying one could use the gases as a fuel. We are going to say right away it is not going to work and this gas will be more expensive.

Meat and milk

Δευτέρα 7 Νοεμβρίου 2016

4000 years Orthodox Greek History!

4000 years Orthodox Greek History

That is what the sign says: "4000 χρόνια Ορθόδοξη Ελληνική Ιστορία".

So when the Jews didn't even have the Old Testament, the Greeks had already the New Testament, their Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed and have had their seven Councils!

Κυριακή 6 Νοεμβρίου 2016